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Canadian Space Resources Directory
The following is a comprehensive directory of Canadian organizations involved in space, with nearly three hundred links organized by category.
If you are aware of even a single organization that is missing, please contact us to add them to the list.
Canadian Government or Granting Agencies
- Canadian Space Agency
Established in 1989 and with its headquarters situated in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada, the Canadian Space Agency is responsible for coordinating all civil, space-related policies and programs pertaining to science and technology research, industrial development, and international co-operation on behalf of the Government of Canada. The Agency actively pursues a vision to expand and apply our knowledge of Space for the benefit of Canadians and all humanity, and in doing so, to inspire through excellence.
The Canadian Space Agency directs its resources and activities through four key thrusts: Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, Satellite Communications, and, Space Awareness and Learning. Over the past forty years, Canada's continuing commitment to space has transformed ideas into new products and services, driven the design of high-tech research and development and created highly specialised scientific expertise.
Visit the CSA website for more information on our mission and activities: http://www.space.gc.ca.
- Canada's Innovation Strategy
- Canada's Innovation Strategy was launched in February 2002. Its goal is to move Canada to the front ranks of the world's most innovative countries. Between May and November 2002, more than 10,000 Canadians gave their views and ideas on creating a culture of innovation and learning across Canada. The input from this process will go towards a national action plan to be developed following the National Summit. There is a profile and recommendations for the space industry in Canada, and a profile of the Aerospace and Defence and Telecommunications sectors.
- Canadian Aerospace Training Project
- Part of the Department of National Defence, they have an org chart. They have an International Training Program which provides aviation instruction for personnel from other countries.
- CFSATE - Aerospace Engineering
- Temporarily unavailable.
- Innovation Acceleration Centre - Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing - Natural Resources Canada
- In Ottawa.
- CFSAS - Aerospace Studies
- Concerned with Electronic Warfare.
- The Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRESTech)
- Connected with the Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science, with an office at York University.
- Reseau Mars Network and Fund
- A proposed Network Centre of Excellence organised by CRESTech, this will host a number of funding competitions.
- Invests heavily in university research, focusing on matching funds, but mostly tries to refer space projects to the CSA.
- The Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund is designed to promote research excellence in the province by increasing the R&D capacity of Ontario universities and other research institutions through private and public sector partnerships. Also focused on matching funds.
- Strategis: Canadian Space Company Capabilities
- National Research Council Canada
- The NRC has an Institute for Aerospace Research.
- Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
- Provides easy-to-access cash assistance for technology research and development projects.
- Scientific Research & Experimental Development Tax Credits (SR&ED)
- Provides easy-to-access cash refunds, unlimited in size, on to assist technology research and development projects. IRAP and SR&ED combined will refund about 70% of the expenses on a qualifying technology project.
- Institute for Aerospace Research
- A National Research Council program.
- Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACST)
- Council of Science and Technology Advisors (CSTA)
The Council of Science and Technology Advisors (CSTA) was established
in April 1998 to provide the federal government with external expert
advice on internal science and technology (S&T) issues requiring
strategic attention. The CSTA consists of 22 advisors from outside government. The members
are appointed by Ministers of science-based departments and are
primarily drawn from the external science advisory boards that advise
these departments. The CSTA draws these advisors into a single body
to improve federal S&T management by examining issues common to a
number of departments, and by highlighting opportunities for synergy
and joint action. The CSTA is chaired by Dr. Gilbert Normand,
Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development.
- Sector Competitiveness Branch
- A part of the Ontario Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation. They're not officially open to the public, but they provide resources, market research, and other services to the private sector.
There is one other analyst in their Aerospace division, which mostly
works on the big aviation contractors.
Joe Veloce, Manager, Office of Aerospace (416-325-6767)
Mary Bissola, Analyst, Aerospace (416-325-6754) The office is on the 7th floor of Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto M7A 2E1.
- Canadian Technology Network
- Another National Research Council program, not specifically space-related, but they have a great network of advisors who have experience commercializing new technologies and with technology start-ups in general.
- Canadian Space Exploration Workshop
- Hosted by the Canadian Space Agency, these workshops help shape the goals of Canada's space exploration program.
- Innovation Acceleration Centre (IAC)
- Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
- Energy Programs
- There are several federal programs related to energy, which would have an angle for the solar power satellite community in Canada.
Industry Associations
- Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
- Maintains an overview of the Space Technologies Sector.
- Canadian Defence Industries Association
- Unmanned Vehicle Systems Canada (UVS)
- Aerospace & Defense Industries Association of Nova Scotia (ADIANS)
- They also have a cheesy older site.
- Aerospace Industry Association of British Columbia (AIABC)
- Ontario Aerospace Council
- Canadian Space Contractors
- Aerospace Industry Association of British Columbia
- Alberta Aerospace Association
- Association Québécoise de L'Aérospatiale (AQA)
- Also known as the Aerospace Association of Quebec
- Manitoba Aerospace Association Inc.
- New Brunswick Aerospace and Defence Association
- Saskatchewan Advanced Technology Association Inc.
- Licensed satellite operators and broadcasters who get together to talk about satellite broadcasting and telecommunications. There is a small brochure site up.
Engineering and Advocacy Organizations
- Canadian Space Exploration and Development Institute
- Developing the Canadian Journal of Space Exploration, and the first issue is out!
- Canadian Space Society
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
CASI offers scholarships and awards and has a few interest areas specifically related to space. CASI publishes two journals, the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal and the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.
In addition to five campuses noted under Student Groups below, branches exist in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Ottawa CRSS, Vancouver, and Winnipeg.
- Professional Engineers Ontario
- Located in Toronto, PEO licenses professional engineers, maintains professional standards including a Code of Ethics, and answers questions about engineering practice. The organisation can locate expert speakers for a variety of issues in technology and science.
- Canadian Rocketry Association
- Mars Society Canada
- Started up chapters across Canada in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria, and Winnipeg.
- National Space Society
- The National Space Society's vision is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth. NSS members promote change in social, technical, economic, and political conditions to advance the day when people will live and work in space. The NSS has 22,000 members worldwide and was founded in 1974 by Wernher von Braun, later to merge with Gerrald O'Neil's L5 Society. A recent priority of the NSS leadership is to make the organization more international, with a chapter in Calgary operated by CSS alumni and webmaster Paul Swift, as well as the Niagara Peninsula Space Frontier Society, a nascent chapter in Thorold.
- Moon Society
- Founded in 1994 by Greg Bennett, this is the hub of a cluster of organizations for the international non-profit educational and scientific foundation formed to further scientific study and development of the moon. Simon Rowland is the Canadian representative with a (pretty inactive) Toronto chapter, and there has been significant Canadian involvement in the accomplishments of the organization. Related to the Artemis Project, which maintains a space flight engineering resource with thousands of articles. Commercial enterprises spun off to date include a science fiction and science fact magazine, a high-profile commercial spacecraft company which launched a test article into orbit in 2002, and a successful, award-winning content management software company that was developed from the aforementioned engineering library.
- The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
Amateurs who actually build and fly satellites, including some pretty sophisticated ones. Very cool. View their list of local contacts for North America (scroll to the bottom of the page). Robin is the President of AMSAT-NA and lives in Burlington, Ontario.
- Canadian Air Cushion Technology Society
- Starfest
- Canada's largest annual observing convention and star party. Highly ranked by Sky & Telescope magazine.
- Fredericton Space Society
- A chapter of Mars Society Canada and the Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute.
Friends of NASA TV in Canada
A Canadian effort to encourage cable operators to add NASA TV to their lineup. They have a petition online.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
( SEDS )
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space was founded
in 1980 at MIT and Princeton and consists of an
international group of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from
a diverse range of educational backgrounds who are working to
promote space as a whole. SEDS is a chapter based
organization with chapters throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom,
Latin America, and the Middle East. The permanent National Headquarters
for SEDS-USA resides at MIT. Each chapter is fairly independent
and coordinates activities and projects in its own area.
There is also a Gopher and FTP server which
contains a Rennes archive mirror plus software.Canadian chapters are at
York and the University of Waterloo. SEDS at Waterloo maintains a fairly active events page.
- York University Astronomy Club
- Maintains an events page. Also registered as the Astronomy Physics Club and the Earth and Atmospheric Science club.
- Student for the Exploration and Development of Space at York
- Maintains an events page. Also registered as the Astronomy Physics Club and the Earth and Atmospheric Science club.
- University of Waterloo Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Maintains an events page.
- The Physics Society at York
- Engineering Society @ York
- Contact [email protected].
- Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX)
- Established by Carmen to create awareness of the relevance of the cosmos to life on Earth. As students, we recognize U of T's space expertise, and will work through Canada's largest university to promote the country's space science and engineering. The club hopes to work with organizations like SEDS Canada, the Canadian Space Society, and the Mars Society of Canada in the next year to stage interesting and exciting talks, tours and activities. Contact [email protected].
- Physics and Astronomy Student Union at U of T
- Maintains an events page.
- Aerospace Students Association at UTIAS
- Maintains an events page.
- CASI Branch at UTIAS
- The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) is a non-profit scientific and technical organization for aerospace professionals. The CASI Student Branch at the University of Toronto is involved in various aerospace conferences, including ASTRO 2000, and in national competitions which can entail anything from building and testing rockets to the complete design and construction of a glider.
- CASI Branch at McGill
- Carleton Aerospace Society (CASI Branch)
- Other CASI Student Branches
- The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute has chapters at Laval, McGill, Concordia, Carleton, as well as at UTIAS as noted above.
- École nationale d'Aerotechnique du College Edouard-Montpetit
- In Saint-Hubert, a suburb of Montreal.
- University Space Network Spacecraft Systems Design Course
- Carleton University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- CQFA Aviation Training
- Cégep de Chicoutimi - aviation training for flight operators.
- York University Space and Communications Science Program
- Ryerson Polytechnic University School of Aerospace Engineering
- University of Toronto Aerospace Engineering Program
- University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
- A fascinating hub of aerospace activity, including professor Zee's cubesats. UTIAS has been the origin of several aerospace companies in Mississauga, including smallsat specialist Dynacon, builders of Canada's first space telescope.
- Centennial College Centre of Aerospace Training and Education
- Located in Toronto, provides a full range of post-secondary, apprenticeship, corporate and secondary school co-operative programs in aerospace manufacturing and support.
- Canadian Space Resource Center
- In Ontario.
Academic Departments
- University Space Network (USN) - Interactive Learning Connection (ILC)
International Space University
( ISU )
The International Space University is an interdisciplinary, intercultural and international
institution preparing individuals to respond to the current needs and
the increasing and evolving demands of the space sector, through
multi-disciplinary education and research programs.
- Canadian Alumni of the International Space University
- Centre for Space Research @ Royal Military College, Kingston
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
( RAO )
The Rothney Astrophysical Observatory is the principal astrophysical teaching and
research facility of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of
the University of Calgary.
Queen's University - Astronomy Group
University of British Columbia - Department of Physics and Astronomy
( Astro@UBC )
These are the pages for the astronomy group in the
larger Physics and Astronomy Department at UBC located in Vancouver,
Canada. Information on both research and educational activities is available.
- Institute for Space Research - University of Calgary
- Conducts ground-based and space-born measurements of the aurora and upper atmosphere.
University of Calgary - Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laboratory
Universite de Montreal - Groupe d'Astrophysique
Universite Laval, Groupe de recherche en astrophysique
Groupe de Recherche en Astrophysique de l'Université Laval. Bilingual (French/English).
Description of research projects. Science with HST. Picture gallery. Individual
members. Recent publications. Links with other
Saint Mary's University - Department of Astronomy and Physics
( SMU )
McGill University - Earth and Planetary Science
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences of McGill University
have available an interactive Atlas of impact craters and coronae
structures of Venus. The Face of Venus, enables browsers
to interactively access a geographical database of these features. Craters
or coronae can be selected by size, type, and name
status to create user-generated maps of the selected features, as
well as a text listing. A dynamic ISMAP is created
with clickable areas where users can obtain more information about
any feature viewed on the map, or directly from the
text list. Users may also elect to examine the distribution
of their selected features by using hierarchical cluster analysis to
generate a dendrogram of any groupings.
McMaster University - Astronomy and Astrophysics
Contains information about their faculty, research, facilities and graduate programme.
- Okanagan University College - Physics and Astronomy
University of British Columbia - Department of Physics and Astronomy
( Astro@UBC )
These are the pages for the astronomy group in the
larger Physics and Astronomy Department at UBC located in Vancouver,
Canada. Information on both research and educational activities is available.
University of Toronto - Department of Astronomy
Encompasses the David Dunlap
Observatory and the library and provides links to other UofT
and Canadian servers.
Zielona Gora Astronomical Centre
Our general subject is pulsar radiation, especially pulsar observations and
modelling of pulsar radiation . We also work on relativistic
astrophysics, plasma physics and extinction of interstellar dust.
York University - Department of Physics and Astronomy
- York University: Mars Arctic Research Station
York University - Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science
- Deals with space science, earth science and atmospherics.
Centre For Research in Earth & Space Science
- Research in Earth and space science at York University is conducted within the Centre For Research in Earth and Space Science (CRESS), which is an organized research unit within the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science. CRESS was established in 1965 as the first such unit at this University. One of the major responsibilities of CRESS is to support the research work of graduate students enrolled in the Graduate Programme in Earth and Space Science (ESS), which is a programme within the Faculty of Graduate Studies. PhDs graduated in 1967 from this programme were among the earliest at York. CRESS faculty members are the same as those in the Graduate Programme, and are drawn primarily from the Departments of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Mathematics and Statistics.
University of Waterloo - Astronomy Group
University of Western Ontario - Astronomy
University of Victoria - Physics and Astronomy Department
University of Victoria Astronomy
Astronomy Group at the University of Victoria. Information on faculty,
graduate students and research associates. Research activities and facilities are
described. In addition, a selection of electronic preprints written by
members of the Group is also available.
- University of Manitoba
- Physics & Astronomy
- Association for the Development of Aerospace Medicine
- Founded in Montreal at McGill, they have a newsletter, organize educational events, and generally promote their field.
- Canada's Defence & Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM)
- Has a Operational
Medicine and an Aerospace Physiology
Group. Also maintains a database of papers and abstracts for Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
- Aerospace Medical Research Unit of McGill University
- Health Information Research Unit at McMaster University
- Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Research Efforts
- Canadian Automatic Small Telescopes for Orbital Research (CASTOR)
Observatoire du Mont Megantic
( OMM )
The Centre de recherche Observatoire du mont Mégantic (OMM) is
an inter-university collaborative organisation which brings together researchers from Université
de Montréal, Université Laval, with axis centred on the télescope
du mont Mégantic (TMM).
The Centre unites most of
the professional researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics in Québec.
Institute for Space and Atmospheric Studies
( ISAS )
- Located in Saskatoon, at the University of Saskatchewan, they create observational systems and theoretical models of the Earth's atmosphere. They boast strong links with the CSA, and are involved in international research projects like SRAMP, PSMOS, CEDAR and SuperDARN.
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
( CITA )
The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics is a national research
centre for studies in theoretical astronomy and related subjects; it
is hosted by the University of Toronto. CITA has two
primary missions: a Canadian one - to foster interaction in
the Canadian theoretical astrophysics community, and also between theorists and
observational astronomers; the other is an international one - to
be a world-class centre of excellence for theoretical studies in
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
( DAO )
The DAO is operated by the National Research Council of
Canada (NRC) through its Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (HIA)
as a national centre for astronomical research within Canada, with
emphasis on UV, optical and IR astronomy. The Canadian
Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) is a group within the DAO
which is responsible for the Canadian archive of data from
the Hubble Space Telescope as well the archive of data
from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope. DAO's Facilty Manual is
now online.
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory [English]
( DRAO )
DRAO is a national facility operated by the Herzberg Institute
of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada. The
synthesis telescope is particularly suited to comprehensive studies of the
interstellar medium, extended Galactic nebulae and star-forming regions, and of
nearby galaxies. The other instruments are a 26-m paraboloid and
a solar flux monitoring system. Observing proposals are welcome from
all interested astronomers.
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
( HIA )
The Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (HIA)is the scientific institute within
the National Research Council of Canada which is responsible for
operating Canadian observatories. Subdivisions and related facilities of HIA include:
the DAO, DRAO, JCMT, CFHT, CADC, Gemini, and Solar Terrestrial
McMaster Cepheid Photometry and Radial Velocity Archive
This site contains ASCII data tables of photometry and radial
velocities for Galactic and Extragalactic Cepheids (both Classical and Type
II). Data is presented as published and full citations to
the original work are given. Currently, data are sorted according
to star name.
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
( JCMT )
The 15-m JCMT is situated close to the summit of
Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and is the largest submillmetre facility in
the world. It is owned and operated by the UK,
Canada and the Netherlands on behalf of astronomers worldwide. Its
home page contains information about the site, the antenna and
the instrumentation, as well as a description of the JCMT-CSO
interferometer, and details of the various time allocation processes.
University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laboratory
Owens Valley Radio Observatory
( OVRO )
Joint Astronomy Centre
( Hilo, Hawaii )
The Joint Astronomy Centre incorporates the 15m James Clerk Maxwell
Telescope (JCMT) and the 3.8m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)
on the 4200m summit of Mauna Kea along with the
Centre's Hawaii headquarters in Hilo. The facility is operated by
the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh on behalf of the Science and
Engineering Research Council of the United Kingdom, the Nederlandse Organisatie
Voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek and the National Research Council of Canada.
Galactic Cepheid Database
( DDO )
The Galactic Cepheid Database is a project of J. Donald
Fernie that lists all known Population I cepheids. It consists
of four tables listing data on 505 cepheids in the
Galaxy. Information includes positional data, color excess determinations, periods, amplitudes
and means of V, B and B-V derived by Fourier
fits to magnitude and intensity light curves, radial velocities, distances,
Z values, etc. Simple string searches of the database are
possible using WWW client software such as NCSA Mosaic. The
tables can be viewed in PostScript format or retrieved in
either ascii or dBase IV versions.
Canada France Hawaii Telescope - Archive at CADC
( CFHT )
All the CFHT data are now being archived since September
18, 1992 and the proprietary period is 2 years. After
that time, they become public and are available world wide.
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
( CADC )
The CADC was established in 1986 as one of three
world-wide distribution centres for data from the Hubble Space Telescope
and is part of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria,
B.C. The CADC mandate has recently expanded and we are
now archiving data from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope located on the
Big Island of Hawaii. CADC has hosted ADASS'93
(Oct 13-15, 1993).
Las Campanas Redshift Survey
( LCRS )
Las Campanas Redshift Survey data and publications
Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
( CGPS )
The CGPS is an international effort to map the interstellar
matter in a large swath of our own Milky Way
Galaxy at high resolution (atomic hydrogen and radio continuum emission).
Haughton-Mars Project - Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station
A Mars Society research project which includes the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, located on Devon Island.
- Canadian Meteorite Catalogue
- Prairie Meteorite Search
- Meteorites
and Impacts Advisory Committee
Climenhaga Observatory
AREA31 Radio Observatory
A31RO is a privately owned astronomical radio observatory operated by
the Interstellar Electromagnetics Institute/L'institut Electromagnetiques Interstellaires under cooperative agreement with
the AREA31 Research Facility.
It is located near Shelburne,
Ontario, Canada, about 1-1/2 hrs drive NW of Toronto. The
Project TARGET microwave SETI program (since 1985), previously conducted at
the Hay River Radio Observatory and also the Algonquin Radio
Observatory is the primary initiative.
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory [English]
( DRAO )
DRAO is a national facility operated by the Herzberg Institute
of Astrophysics of the National Research Council of Canada. The
synthesis telescope is particularly suited to comprehensive studies of the
interstellar medium, extended Galactic nebulae and star-forming regions, and of
nearby galaxies. The other instruments are a 26-m paraboloid and
a solar flux monitoring system. Observing proposals are welcome from
all interested astronomers.
Canada France Hawaii Telescope (ftp)
( CFHT )
University of Toronto Southern Observatory
( UTSO )
UTSO operates the 60cm Helen Sawyer Hogg Telescope located on
Cerro Las Campanas in north-central Chile. This homepage provides information
useful to potential users and others interested in our facility.
Optical Correctors for Liquid Mirror Telescopes
One of the often cited limitations of liquid mirror telescopes
pertains to the small region of sky which they can
observe. Because the aberrations of a parabola increase rapidly with
field angle, classical corrector designs cannot yield subarcsecond images for
angles significantly greater than one degree. To access larger fields,
innovative corrector designs must be explored.
In these pages we
discuss the Optical Design and Testing of a family of
two-mirror correctors to compensate the aberrations of a fixed parabolic
mirror observing at a large angle from the zenith.
Observatoire du Mont Megantic
( OMM )
The Centre de recherche Observatoire du mont Mégantic (OMM) is
an inter-university collaborative organisation which brings together researchers from Université
de Montréal, Université Laval, with axis centred on the télescope
du mont Mégantic (TMM).
The Centre unites most of
the professional researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics in Québec.
Nation River Observatory
Liquid Mirrors at Université Laval
( LM )
Liquid Mirror (LM) technology is being developed at Université Laval.
A f/1.2, 2.5 meter diameter, mercury mirror is being extensively
tested in our testing tower. We are also exploring the
use of gallium eutectics as reflecting liquids. The design of
novel optical correctors to increase the accessible field of view
of liquid mirrors up to 45 degrees is also addressed.
Hubble Space Telescope
( HST - from CADC )
The best images from the Hubble space telescope.
Also, there is a page from ST-ECF .
Infrared Array Camera for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility
( IRAC )
The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) contains three focal
plane instruments, one of which is the Infrared Array Camera
(IRAC). IRAC is a four-channel camera that provides simultaneous 5.12
x 5.12 arcmin images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8
Canada France Hawaii Telescope
( CFHT )
CFHT is a joint facility of the National Research Council
of Canada, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of
France, and the University of Hawaii. The CFH observatory hosts
a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope. The observatory is located
atop the summit of Mauna Kea, a 4200 meter, dormant
volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The CFH Telescope
became operational in 1979.
There is a Mirror
copy of the Web site at CDS. A CFHT page at CADC has information about the
CFHT archive, CCDs, proposal template and manuals.
Canadian Automatic Small Telescope for Orbital Research
( CASTOR Satellite Tracking Project )
The Canadian Automatic Small Telescopes for Orbital Research project, based
at the Royal Military College of Canada, uses small optical
telescopes to track medium to high earth orbit satellites such
as Russian, Molniya satellites.
David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto
( DDO )
The David Dunlap Observatory is located in Richmond Hill, Canada.
As part of the University of Toronto's Department of Astronomy
it operates optical telescopes for research, the largest being a
1.88m telescope. DDO is also a centre for student training
and public education.
( French site, IAP, Paris )
[in French] Site of the French team contributing to Far
Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE).
FUSE est un satellite observatoire
de la NASA dédié à la spectroscopie haute résolution dans
le domaine ultraviolet. Ce programme est realisé en coopération avec
l'Agence Spatiale Canadienne et le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
( JCMT )
The 15-m JCMT is situated close to the summit of
Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and is the largest submillmetre facility in
the world. It is owned and operated by the UK,
Canada and the Netherlands on behalf of astronomers worldwide. Its
home page contains information about the site, the antenna and
the instrumentation, as well as a description of the JCMT-CSO
interferometer, and details of the various time allocation processes.
Joint Astronomy Centre
( Hilo, Hawaii )
The Joint Astronomy Centre incorporates the 15m James Clerk Maxwell
Telescope (JCMT) and the 3.8m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)
on the 4200m summit of Mauna Kea along with the
Centre's Hawaii headquarters in Hilo. The facility is operated by
the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh on behalf of the Science and
Engineering Research Council of the United Kingdom, the Nederlandse Organisatie
Voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek and the National Research Council of Canada.
Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars
( MOST )
MOST is Canada's first space science microsatellite and its first
optical space telescope project, aiming for launch in late 2001.
MOST is designed to measure (as its acronym implies) Microvariability
& Oscillations of STars in broadband light with a precision
of a few micromagnitudes over timescales from minutes to days.
The resulting eigenfrequency data will be used primarily for stellar
seismology, to probe the structure and ages of Sun-like stars,
magnetic stars, Wolf-Rayet stars and halo subdwarfs. The subdwarfs are
expected to yield age estimates which would place a meaningful
lower limit on the age of the Universe. MOST should
also be capable of confirming the presence of giant extrasolar
planets identified in Doppler surveys.
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
( SNO at Queen's University )
SNO is an astronomical neutrino observatory that is being built
below ground in the deepest section of INCO Limited's Creighton
Mine near Sudbury, Ontario. SNO is an international collaboration of
scientists from Canada, USA and UK. Information services are available
Lester B. Pearson College Observatory
Manitoulin Island Dark Sky Association (MIDSA)
The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society
Mississauga Astronomical SocietyHolds a public event, either a lecture or outdoor observation session, every two weeks on Friday evenings. They have a great Calendar of Events.
Bruce County Astronomical SocietyFind out about what's going on inside the club and the world of astronomy. Read the newsletter Sky Focus to find out about specific topics in astronomy.
Interstellar Electromagnetics Institute (IEI)
IEI is a non-profit organization that is working with SEDS Waterloo on the SMRT
Array (student managed research telescope), a project to build a radio telescope.
QUARG - Queen's University Astronomy Research Group
Association des Astronomes Amateurs de l'Abitibi-Temiscamingue
This is an amateur organization located in the western part
of the Province of Quebec, Canada, far away from major
centers. [in French]
The Durham Region Astronomical Association (DRAA)
Uses literature, online media and community postings to relay current astronomical issues, also organizes and supports astronomical activities. Based in Ontario, Canada. Members are primarily amateur astronomers.
Astronomie au Quebec
Groupe Astro & CCD. [In french]
Lethbridge Astronomy SocietyIndividuals from all walks of life who share an interest in astronomy and space science.
North Bay Astronomy Club
Hamilton Amateur Astronomers
The Hamilton Amateur Astronomers
is a group dedicated to the enjoyment of astronomy and
public education.
North Shore Erie Amateur Astronomers
In Simcoe, Ontario.
North York Astronomical Association - Canada
Sarnia Centre - Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Holds meetings and provides information of interest to astronomers; interested in planets, eclipses and stars.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: Charlottetown Centre
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Vancouver Centre
( RASC Vancouver Centre )
RASCVC is a chapter of RASC based in Vancouver, BC.
It is also incorporated as a Society in the Province
of BC. In addition to receiving RASC National publications members
receive a bi-monthly newsletter NOVA. Members' Meetings are held the
second Tuesday of each month with a guest speaker. Members
may borrow books and CD ROMS from an extensive library,
access the telescope loaner program, attend starparties, and meet and
learn from other enthusiasts. RASCVC operates CARO, the Canadian
Amateur Research Observatory, which while primarily devoted to supernova search
is also available for other suitable research projects. CARO uses
a 16 inch Meade LX200 SCT with a CCD camera.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
( RASC )
The beginnings of "The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada" (RASC)
go back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The
Society was incorporated within the province of Ontario in 1890,
received its Royal Charter from King Edward VII in 1903,
and was federally incorporated in 1968. The National Office of
the Society is located at 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON,
M5R 1V2, telephone (416) 924-7973, e-mail [email protected]. The business office
and library are housed there. You may link to RASC
Centres across Canada from this page and join the one
nearest you.
Prince George Astronomical Society
( Canada )
The Prince George Astronomical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated
to the advancement of astronomy and science in Prince George
and the neighboring Northern Canadian communities.
Canadian Astronomical society
Big Sky Astronomical Society
( Alberta, Canada )
The astronomical society for kids, their parents, and teachers. Lots
of fun and educational web pages to explore, online projects,
Adopt-A-Star, and more! (Vulcan, Alberta, Canada)
Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services
( FAGS )
The Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services (FAGS)
was formed by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
in 1956 and includes today eleven Permanent Services each operating
under the authority of one or more of the interested
Scientific Unions: International Astronomical Union (IAU), International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics (IUGG), and Union Radiologique Scientifique (URSI). Their tasks
are to continuously collect observations, information and data related to
astronomy, geodesy, geophysics and allied sciences; to analyse, synthesize, and
draw conclusions from them; to distribute data; and to publish
the results obtained.
International Astronomical Union
( IAU )
Announcements, Information bulletin and services of the International Astronomical Union
(IAU; Union Astronomique Internationale, UAI).
International Dark-Sky Association
( IDA )
The International Dark-Sky Association is a non-profit corporation formed to
serve the public and astronomy community through information, education, and
research on light pollution, energy conservation, protection of observatory environments
and related topics. IDA assists by sharing knowledge on a
local, national and international basis. While IDA was organized for
the purpose of preserving dark skies for astronomy and the
general public, solutions to the problem of light pollution will
promote the best outdoor lighting design, thereby reducing energy use
and helping preserve Earth's resources.
International Fellowship of Rotarian Amateur Astronomers
The Rotary International Fellowship of Rotarian Amateur Astronomers (IFRAA) is
for Rotarian members to enjoy fellowship and share information about
astronomy, cosmology, and space exploration. In the future, the fellowship
plans sponsor meetings at Rotary conventions, and special projects of
interest to members.
International Meteor Organization
( IMO )
The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and
has more than 250 members now. IMO was created in
response to an ever growing need for international cooperation of
meteor amateur work. The collection of meteor observations by several
methods from all around the world ensures the comprehensive study
of meteor showers and their relation to comets and interplanetary
International Supernovae Network
( ISN )
The Network has the purpose to help contacts and share
information among supernovae enthusiasts both amateurs and astronomers worldwide.
Optical Infrared Coordination Network
OPTICON is a project funded by the European commission as
part of its Fifth Framework Programme. OPTICON brings together providers
and users of European astronomical infrastructures to identify common approaches
and improve access for the benefit of all European astronomy.
International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
( IVS )
IVS is an international collaboration of organizations which operate or
support Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) components. IVS provides a
service which supports geodetic and astrometric work on reference systems,
Earth science research, and operational activities.
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Home page of the United Nations Office for Outer Space
Affairs focusing on United Nations activities in outer space matters,
particularly on planetary exploration and astronomy (=basic space science).
Planetary Society
In 1980, Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray founded The Planetary
Society to promote the exploration of our solar system (and
others) and the search for extraterrestrial life. In its first
year, the Society became the fastest growing nonprofit membership organization
of the decade. We now number over 100,000 members around
the world--the largest nongovernmental space organization on Earth.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Royal Astronomical Society
( RAS )
The Royal Astronomical Society was founded in the year 1820
and received the grant of a Royal Charter in 1831.
The Society's aims are "the encouragement and promotion of astronomy
and geophysics." The main functions are to publish the results
of astronomical and geophysical research, to maintain as complete a
library as possible in these subjects and to hold meetings,
in London and elsewhere, at which astronomical and geophysical matters
can be discussed.
SETI League
League believes that receipt of electromagnetic signals of intelligent origin
from beyond our planet will change forever our view of
humanity's place in the cosmos. Our mission it to organize
and coordinate people interested in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
in the hope of receiving such signals.
Society for Popular Astronomy
( SPA )
The Society for Popular Astronomy brings astronomy to everyone. Formed
in 1953 as the Junior Astronomical Society, the SPA publishes
a quaterly magazine Popular Astronomy.
The Astronomer Online
( TA )
TA produces a magazine for the advanced amateur and its
aim is to publish all observations of astronomical interest as
soon as possible after they are made. The magazine
has been published monthly since 1964 and subscribers are found
all over the world. It also provides a very comprehensive
electronic circulars service to keep our members up to date.
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
The Web site of the International Society for Optical Engineering,
includes meeting announcements, membership information, and abstracts of nearly 30,000
papers on optics and related subjects, including astronomy. The Gateway to Photonics Information is a set of links to
institutions, societies, government agencies, and other useful resources.
Canadian ArrowReusable sub-orbital spacecraft being designed and built in an attempt to capture the X-Prize.
da Vinci ProjectDeveloping a reuseable three-man spacecraft to be launched from a hot air balloon as a registered entry for the X-Prize.
Ottawa Carleton Educational Space Simulation (OCESS)Informally called Spacesim, OCESS is a non-profit organization that promotes a greater understanding of space exploration and research in students of all ages. By conducting a 96-hour simulated mission to a chosen planet, moon, or asteroid, Spacesim strives to foster initiative and responsibility in its members, while instilling love and respect of space and science.
SpaceNet CanadaLocated at Marc Garneau Collegiate and the Northern Education Website on Space.
Fondation Aerovision QuebecAir and Space Museum in Quebec
Ontario Science CentreHas a couple of space movies on their IMAX, and highlights its space-themed exhibits. This is on Eglinton near the Don Valley Parkway north of Toronto.
Toronto Aerospace MuseumLocated in the former C.F.B. Downsview, the museum is in the original de Havilland Canada aircraft factory. This historic building, birthplace of the famous Beaver, Otter and Chipmunk aircraft and produced the Tiger Moth and Mosquito, overlooks the active Bombardier runway. The museum hosts various aircraft, simulators, and eventually a full-scale replica of the Avro Aero. help Currently looking for volunteers to help them set up some new displays on Canadian space history.
Pacific Space CentreHome of the H.R. MacMillan Planetarium, Gordon Southam Observatory, and an extensive display gallery of space hardware.
H.R.MacMillan Planetarium
Part of the H.R.MacMillan Space Centre located in Vancouver, Canada. Hosts a variety of public and educational programs.
Halifax PlanetariumThe country's oldest public planetarium.
Manitoba PlanetariumThe Manitoba Planetarium is the largest planetarium in central Canada.
Planétarium de MontréalInformation about thematic exhibitions and French/English shows. Features online giftshop, astronomical information, and the Société d'astronomie du Planétarium de Montréal.
Roberta Bondar Earth and Space Centre PlanetariumSeneca College's Planetarium
W.J. McCallion Planetarium
CRESTech Network NewsRun by Crestech. An excellent heads-up on major events and opportunities for business and government.
Canadian Space NetworkBuilt following the Canadian Space Summit 2000 in Toronto, this is an excellent list of space activists, organisers, researchers and entrepreneurs in Canada.
Canadian Space Society Announcements
Canadian Space Society Discussion
Canadian Space Society's Space Solar Power DiscussionA low-traffic list, there is a pretty good circulation among space solar power experts.
Mars Society Canada Discussion
Mars Society Toronto
Mars Society Canada Technology Projects DiscussionSet up to focus discussion on MSC technology projects such as their data logger.
Canadian Space Society Nanosat Launch OpportunityLed by past CSS President Jocelyn Boily, with the goal of building a Canadian 200 lb upper-stage rocket.
Canadian Space Exploration and Development Institute DiscussionDeveloping the Canadian Journal of Space Exploration, and the first issue is out!
Canadian Space Geodesy Forum
The Canadian Space Geodesy Forum (CANSPACE) is a computer-communications-based information
dissemination and discussion group that was established several years ago
as an aid to improving communication among scientists and engineers
working with the techniques of space geodesy. Among topics discussed
are the Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS), Glonass, Transit, very
long baseline interferometry, satellite laser ranging, satellite altimetry, etc. Daily
postings of information bulletins include GPS satellite constellation status reports
(Department of Defense Notice Advisories to Navstar Users) and reports
of solar and geomagnetic field activity. Information concerning satellite launches
and orbital elements is posted regularly. Although initially intended to
link Canadian geodesists and geophysicists together, CANSPACE now has a
wide international subscriber list and is open to all. Questions
are particularly encouraged.
NASA Press Releases
Email [email protected] and in the body of the message (not the subject line) type
the words "subscribe press-release".
Astro Archive
( AA )
This is a fulltext archive of the 40 most important
mailing lists for amateur astronomers. Collects data since 1998.
International Astronomy Mailing List
Maintained by CFHT and CADC, has a listing of major international events. Lots of work to find an event within a reasonable drive from you, though!
AstroWeb Mailing Lists
AstroWeb Newsgroup Lists
Links Pages
Toronto Technology Business NetworkNot specifically space-related, but this is a very comprehensive list of technology business organizations in Toronto which hold events, and other associations in the new media and technology sector. This is maintained by Simon Rowland, also the maintainer of this list.
CASI Links
Astrophys.org Links
Astronomy Meetings and Conferences
Remote sensing links (University of Waterloo)
A Kid's Guide to Astronomy
Astronomy Resources
Open Directory Project Astro Links
SpaceRef CanadaCanada's space news and reference site.
SkyNewsContains star charts and maps, listings of Canadian astronomy clubs, photos, and more.
EXN.ca: Space - current and archived space-related news from Discovery.ca.
Canoe Space
Compiled by Simon Rowland. Copyright © 2003 Direct Leap Technologies, Inc.
The directory was started initially by mining Canadian resources from the AstroWeb database at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/astroweb.html.
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